Contribute to the Northwest Folklife Community Quilt!
Northwest Folklife will be celebrating the folk art of quilting at the 2024 Northwest Folklife Festival. We will be soliciting 15” quilt blocks from the community to be displayed at the 2024 Northwest Folklife festival. After the festival, the blocks will be sewn into a community quilt.
Northwest Folklife’s Community quilts are part of our historical archive, and have been used and displayed in a variety of ways over the years. We currently use them as a backdrop for our digital in-studio content, filmed for our virtual festival.
To sign up, please complete this form or scan the QR code below
- Completed blocks should be 15” (includes seam allowance)
- If you would like your block displayed at the Folklife Festival, they are due May 1st. If you would like to contribute to the quilt, but don’t want it to be displayed, they are due at 8PM May 27th
- Choice of pattern, colors and fabric are up to you!